Acute, or recent onset anxiety attacks are not a life sentence. You can and will get back to normal life if you are willing to take the time to deal with the underlying issue. [Read more…]
Archives for August 2015
10 Myths that will crush your homeschool
Myth #1 Kids need to be socialized. Do I really need to address this one? While it has been shown over and over again that homeschooled children are better socialized, better behaved, and better able to relate to wide variety of age groups, the question of socialization is still the number one objection homeschoolers get from critics. [Read more…]
How to build a successful homeschool
I’ve always been a bit of a rebel. In high school everyone else was listening to Journey and VanHalen, you can be sure I was more interested in Styx or Boston. If all the popular kids were wearing Perry Ellis and Guess clothing, I was in Levi’s. It has always been my nature to look at what the crowd was doing and do something different because in the crowd is where average lives and I’ve never been what you would call average. [Read more…]
I want to homeschool but where do I begin?
First of all, relax. You can do this. There is plenty of help available today that wasn’t around even 10 years ago. This of course is part of the problem. There is SO much information it is hard to know where to start and who to believe. [Read more…]
4 Easy Steps to the perfect curriculum
When it comes to choosing curriculum, it is a jungle out there. Choosing curriculum for homeschooling doesn’t have to be overwhelming or stressful, once you know exactly where you want to go and how you want to get there. [Read more…]
A letter to a fellow anxiety sufferer
Friend, there is so much I would like to be able to tell you.
It sounds like you are striving so hard to make everything work out the way you think it “should” Trying to please other people, to meet their expectations as well as your own. On top of all that we add the “shoulds” of how we are supposed to live the right kind of Christian life; pray more, serve more, read the bible more, give more, be patient, kind, loving and forgiving all the time. No wonder we get anxious. There is no way to do it all and do it well. [Read more…]