My son is really behind in his reading and math. He gets picked on at the playground by kids who are in school because they are doing harder work than he is. He really wants to be doing the same work but he’s not ready for it. He doesn’t like to do his schoolwork because he says it is baby stuff. He’s a great kid in other area. He’s helpful and kind to his brother and sister, he is creative, imaginative, cooperative, and he loves to help his dad build things. Because he feels like he is not very smart, his has bad self-esteem. Should I send him to school? [Read more…]
Archives for September 2015
The Secret to a well-managed life. A Review of Evernote
Homeschooling, work or business projects, chores, meal planning, household upkeep, church, community events, sports, holidays, hobbies, caring for friends and family, lesson planning, finding and remembering all those great school activity ideas you find online; how can you keep up with it all? [Read more…]